Metal Crucibles

Haldenwanger™ Medium Form Porcelain Crucibles Without Lid

Haldenwanger™ Medium Form Porcelain Crucibles Without Lid

Use these dishes for a variety of applications. Haldenwanger™ Medium Form Porcelain Crucibles feature a smooth internal finish, constructed from optimized laboratory porcelain.

Fisherbrand™ High-Form Porcelain Crucibles

Fisherbrand™ High-Form Porcelain Crucibles

Withstand temperatures up to 1150°C (2102°F)

Haldenwanger™ Squat Form Porcelain Crucibles Without Lid

Haldenwanger™ Squat Form Porcelain Crucibles Without Lid

Use these dishes for a variety of applications. Haldenwanger™ Squat Form Porcelain Crucibles feature a smooth internal finish, constructed from optimized laboratory porcelain.

Haldenwanger™ Lids for Porcelain Crucibles

Haldenwanger™ Lids for Porcelain Crucibles

Use these lids with porcelain crucibles. Haldenwanger™ Lids for Porcelain Crucibles are constructed from optimized laboratory porcelain.

Yorlab™ Low Form Silica Crucibles

Yorlab™ Low Form Silica Crucibles

Yorlab™ Low Form Silica Crucibles that are inert to most substances except alkalies and some metallic oxides.

Fisherbrand™ Wide-Form Porcelain Crucibles

Fisherbrand™ Wide-Form Porcelain Crucibles

Withstand temperatures up to 1150°C (2102°F)

Haldenwanger™ Alumina Ceramic Tube Form Crucibles

Haldenwanger™ Alumina Ceramic Tube Form Crucibles

Excellent for use in diverse, highly concentrated reagents both at boiling and room temperatures.

Nickel Electro™ Tall Form Crucibles without Lid

Nickel Electro™ Tall Form Crucibles without Lid

Manufactured from highly chemical resistant and low alloy nickel. Nickel Electro™ Tall form Crucibles without Lid are cost effective and commercially pure with high thermal conductivity.

Haldenwanger™ Alumina Ceramic Cylindrical Form Crucible

Haldenwanger™ Alumina Ceramic Cylindrical Form Crucible

Alsint 99.7 crucibles are an excellent choice for use under high-wear conditions, in chemical technical and electrical engineering applications and in high-temperature technology.

Platinum Crucible

Platinum Crucible

Available in 15mL and 50mL capacities

Haldenwanger™ Alumina Tall Form Alsint Crucible

Haldenwanger™ Alumina Tall Form Alsint Crucible

Alsint 99.7 crucibles are an excellent choice for use under high-wear conditions, in chemical technical and electrical engineering applications, and in high-temperature technology.

Haldenwanger™ Aluminum Ceramic Alsint Flat Bottom Crucible

Haldenwanger™ Aluminum Ceramic Alsint Flat Bottom Crucible

Alsint 99.7 crucibles are an excellent choice for use under high-wear conditions, in chemical technical and electrical engineering applications and in high-temperature technology.

Bochem™ Steel Zincked Triangles

Bochem™ Steel Zincked Triangles

Made from zincked steel. The Bochem Steel Zincked Triangles come with clay tubes.

Platinum Crucible With Lid

Platinum Crucible With Lid

Available in 10mL to 50mL capacities

Haldenwanger™ Porcelain Medium Form Melting Crucibles

Haldenwanger™ Porcelain Medium Form Melting Crucibles

Use these dishes for a variety of applications. Haldenwanger™ Porcelain Medium Form Melting Crucibles feature a smooth internal finish, constructed from optimized laboratory porcelain.

Nickel Electro™ Nickel Crucibles without Lids

Nickel Electro™ Nickel Crucibles without Lids

Designed using high quality nickel components these crucibles have good mechanical properties and excellent resistance to many corrosive environments.

Pyrex™ Gooch Crucible with Integral Glass Sintered Disc

Pyrex™ Gooch Crucible with Integral Glass Sintered Disc

Ideal for drying precipitates to constant mass at 110°C. Pyrex™ Gooch Crucible includes an integral sintered disc.

Nickel Electro™ Clifton™ Zirconium Crucibles

Nickel Electro™ Clifton™ Zirconium Crucibles

Ideal alternative to platinum. Nickel Electro™ Zirconium Crucibles virtually elimnate sample contamination, shatterproof.

Fisherbrand™ Porcelain Crucible Covers

Fisherbrand™ Porcelain Crucible Covers

For use with Fisherbrand High- and Wide-Form Porcelain Crucibles.

Haldenwanger™ Tall Form Porcelain Crucibles Without Lid

Haldenwanger™ Tall Form Porcelain Crucibles Without Lid

Use these dishes for a variety of applications. Haldenwanger™ Tall Form Porcelain Crucibles feature a smooth internal finish, constructed from optimized laboratory porcelain.

Haldenwanger™ Porcelain Tall Form Crucibles

Haldenwanger™ Porcelain Tall Form Crucibles

Use these dishes for a variety of applications. Haldenwanger™ Porcelain Tall Form Crucibles feature a smooth internal finish, constructed from optimized laboratory porcelain.

Nickel Electro™ Laboratory Stainless Steel Crucibles

Nickel Electro™ Laboratory Stainless Steel Crucibles

Nickel Electro™ Laboratory Stainless Steel Crucibles are shatterpeoof, seamless, and have a bright finish.

Haldenwanger™ Medium High Form Melting Porcelain Crucibles

Haldenwanger™ Medium High Form Melting Porcelain Crucibles

Use these dishes for a variety of applications. Haldenwanger™ Medium High Form Melting Porcelain Crucibles feature a smooth internal finish, constructed from optimized laboratory porcelain.

BUCHI Ceramic Crucible

BUCHI Ceramic Crucible

For use with B-440 Wet Digesters to aid in the ecological pre-incineration of different types of samples.
