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Invitrogen™ SYBR™ Green II RNA Gel Stain, 10,000X concentrate in DMSO

Displays bright fluorescence when bound to RNA and low background in gels. Invitrogen™ SYBR™ Green II RNA Gel Stain, 10,000X concentrate in DMSO is ideal for use with either formaldehyde/agarose or polyacrylamide gels.

Brand:  Invitrogen™ S7586

519.40 GBP valid until 2024-12-31
Use promo code "21651" to get your promotional price.

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Product Code. 11550746

  • £742.00 / 100µL
Estimated Shipment: 09-01-2025
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For Research Use Only. All usage must comply with product instructions.
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SYBR Green II RNA gel stain is one of the most sensitive dyes known for detecting RNA in electrophoretic gels using laser scanners or standard UV transilluminators. It is significantly more sensitive than ethidium bromide, the most commonly used stain for detecting nucleic acids in gels.

Available in three convenient packaging options:

  • 500μL (stains 50 minigels)
  • 1mL (stains 100 minigels)
  • 20 × 50μL (each stains 5 minigels)—Avoids waste when processing fewer minigels

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Shipping Condition: Room temperature



• Supplied as a 10,000X concentrate in DMSO

Store at -20°C, protected from light in a dessicator.
RNA Gel Stain
Room Temperature
In-Gel Detection
20 x 50 μL
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.