Oxoid Buffered Listeria Enrichment is selective enrichment medium for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes.
Content And Storage | Buffered Listeria Enrichment Broth should be stored tightly capped in the original container in a cool, dry place away from bright light. When stored as directed the medium will remain stable until the expiry date printed on the label. |
Used to identify Staphylococcus aureus from all suspect colonies for samples with high background flora.
Test Type | Pet Food |
Rapid, simple, and reliable solution to monitor the presence of allergens on surfaces to effectively manage cleaning.
Provide Staphylococcus aureus results. S. aureus appears as distinctive red-violet colonies. Other colonies have to be checked using the Staph express disk.
Test Type | Food and Beverage,Environmental Test |
Used with the 3M™ Molecular Detection System for the rapid and specific detection of Campylobacter in enriched food and environmental samples.
Used with the 3M™ Molecular Detection System for the rapid and specific detection of species in enriched food and environmental samples.
Product Type | Microbiology Media |
Quantity | 96 |
A beverage screen kit used with the 3M™ Microbial Luminescence System (MLS) for testing Ultra high temperature (UHT) and ESL beverages.
Specific for E. coli, only E. coli colonies are visible which numerate within 24 hours
Detects | E. coli |
Sample-ready to identify coliform levels in raw materials, process/finished food products and plant environment/equipment
Intended for screening for the presence of bovine total milk proteins in clean-in-place (CIP) final rinse water, environmental swab samples, food ingredients and processed food products.
A time-saving, sample-ready plate designed to determine total lactic acid bacteria populations in food and environmental samples.
Test Type | Environmental Test |
Intended for screening for the presence of pistachio proteins in clean-in-place (CIP) final rinse water, environmental swab samples, food ingredients and processed food products.
Povide a cost-effective, convenient and reliable method for testing equipment, raw materials, food products and manufacturing environmental samples.
Product Type | Count Plate |
Test Type | Environmental Test |
Designed to enhance your hygiene monitoring procedures by providing cost effective assurance that your 3M hygiene monitoring reagents and instruments are being stored and used correctly to ensure reliable results.
Intended for screening for the presence of fish proteins in clean-in-place (CIP) final rinse water, environmental swab samples, food ingredients and processed food products.