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3M™ E-A-R™ E-A-Rsoft FX Earplugs Product Code.: 12940325
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3M™ E-A-R™ E-A-Rsoft FX Earplugs

Product Code. 12940325
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Product Code. 12940325

Brand: 3M™ 7000052710

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Offers high attenuation and are made from a slow expanding, PU foam material. 3M E-A-Rsoft FX Earplug – 39dB.

  • Highest available attenuation rated earplug at 39dB
  • Smooth tapered finish makes fitting easier and helps form a comfortable fit
  • Flange shape, when rolled down, serves as a very effective insertion device
  • Ideal for those looking for higher attenuation


Color ‎Neon Green
Quantity 200/Pk.
Corded Uncorded
Product Type Ear Plugs
Style Roll-down
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